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Avenue Primary School home page

Avenue Primary School

Where learning springs to life

Outdoor Learning

The best classroom and the richest cupboard is roofed only by the sky.


Margaret McMillan.

Welcome to Outdoor Learning at Avenue


Whenever possible, children at Avenue are encouraged to take their learning outdoors.


In all areas of the curriculum we look for opportunities to use our school grounds/outdoor spaces to help children learn. Some examples of recent lessons include: drama, map work, planting/gardening, exploring shape and space, measures and sketching.


Alongside these activities, Year 2 and Year 6 also get the chance to take part in 'Forest Schools'.


Forest Schools is run in our outdoor area within the school grounds. Our aim is to build up children’s skills, abilities and confidence through practical hands-on activities in the outdoors.


We use natural resources to stimulate imagination, creativity and investigation.


There are many benefits to Forest School. For example, it can:


  • Develop physical awareness and manual dexterity, and help participants to stay active and healthy.
  • Heighten self-awareness and improve emotional and social skills.
  • Promote co-operative and group working.
  • Enable participants to evaluate risks and learn how to stay safe.
  • Encourage children to take care of themselves and others.

Some of our Forest School activities include:


  • Bug hunting/bird spotting.
  • Animal/plant identification.
  • Building mini-beast hotels.
  • Learning to knot and bind to make shelters.

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