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Avenue Primary School home page

Avenue Primary School

Where learning springs to life


"Every day you show up, you are investing in your future self. Don't underestimate the power of attendance."


Avenue Primary School has a responsibility to record and monitor closely the attendance and punctuality of all children and to create the appropriate climate in the school to foster good attendance (minimum 96%) and excellent timekeeping, all of which we believe creates a sound basis for every child to achieve their potential. The Head teacher and all teaching and support staff monitor the attendance of the children in their care.


Parents/carers are urged to contact school at an early stage with regard to any issues affecting the attendance of their child or if a child is reluctant to come to school, so the school can work with parents/carers to resolve any problems, involving the Education Welfare Service for support if appropriate.


If your child is absent you must notify school each and every day of absence either in person at the school office or by telephone giving the reason for the absence.



Please refer to our ‘Policies’ page for more information about our Attendance policy (including punctuality).



If you are unsure whether to keep your child off school for certain illnesses, please either refer to the below document, or contact the school office for advice.

Information on Changes to Penalty Notice Fines for Schools (August 2024 onwards)

For more information about attendance and lateness refer to our website area entitled...


Parents      Useful Information 

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