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Avenue Primary School

Where learning springs to life

How do we support SEND pupils transfer between classes and phases

In the summer term all class teachers and support staff will have handover meetings. At this meeting the individual needs of each child are discussed and their new targets for the next academic year are set. Any relevant documents are handed over to the new teacher and phase leader and discussed thoroughly. We also invite parents in to meet the new class teacher for the following academic year.


All pupils with a special educational need will have a meeting regarding their transfer to a new school. More structured transition time is given for pupils with SEND if needed and additional visits can be arranged either to  new class, or if the child is transitioning to a new setting.


If a child has an EHCP, their Annual Review may be held early in the Autumn Term if they are making the transition into KS3, or there is a recommendation that a child's needs could be met in a more specialist setting.

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