Latest News
Keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment.
Caribbean Theme Lunch
Fri 12 Apr 2024Our upcoming Theme lunch will be on Thursday 23rd May.
World Book Day
Thu 02 Mar 2023 -
Wednesday 9th June: Whole School Mexican Themed Lunch
Mon 24 May 2021As part of our 'Mind and Body Matters' week, we are having a whole school Mexican themed lunch. Please see the poster for the delicious menu choices.
10.5.21 & 11.5.21 Covid 19 Whole School Screening
Mon 10 May 2021Please check your emails for a letter from Mrs Underwood and your child's Seesaw account where Mrs Underwood has uploaded a video explaining the process. Thank you.
School re-opens Monday 12th April
Sat 10 Apr 2021School re-opens for all children on Monday 12th April.
The children should arrive at their 'normal' staggered start time through their usual gate.
If your child normally has PE on a Monday, they should remember to come in their PE kit.
Please remember to send your child into school with a water bottle.
Easter School Holiday
Fri 19 Mar 2021We break up for the Easter, two week, holiday on Friday 26th March.
All children will return to school on Monday 12th April.
We hope that you have a super break.
School Re-opens - 8th March 2021
Mon 01 Mar 2021School will re-open to all children on Monday 8th March.
Friday 18th December : School Is Open
Fri 11 Dec 2020You may have read/ heard in the news that the DFE have offered schools the opportunity to move one of our INSET days to Friday 18th December - this is linked to 'track and trace'.
We have elected not to move our INSET day to Friday 18th : it will remain on Monday 4th January.
School closes on Friday 18th December and re-opens to children on Tuesday 5th January 2021.
New National Online Safety App for Parents
Tue 08 Dec 2020National Online Safety have launched a brand new app for parents all about keeping their children safe online .
Have a look at the image below for more information or click the link to watch their YouTube video about it.
YouTube Video - National Online Safety New App
Easy Fundraising for Avenue Primary School
Wed 02 Dec 2020There is a really easy way to help raise money for the school when you do your online shopping. All you need to do is click on the two links below to register and a percentage of all sales will go to the PTFA!