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Avenue Primary School

Where learning springs to life




At Avenue, we strive to ensure children leave us as confident readers and communicators. We achieve this by embedding English at the heart of all learning. This journey begins with oracy; from day one in EYFS we focus on ensuring that children are exposed to high levels of talk being modelled to them in all settings. We use talk as an opportunity to learn throughout all subjects across the school. In order to support this talk and development of vocabulary, we give children a wide range of real experiences to support their background knowledge. 


Our exploration of language, rhythm and rhyme begins with our phonics journey, which will support children in reading and spelling. In every class, high quality texts are used to support the development of background knowledge with texts being used as mirrors to children's own lives, windows to the lives of others and doors to other worlds. These diverse, stimulating, intriguing and motivating texts aim to inspire a love for reading as well as a tool to gain knowledge that will support them in learning throughout their educational future.


Being a confident communicator is also a driver for our teaching of writing. We want children to be able to communicate their ideas and thoughts accurately and confidently in different situations in preparation for the rest of their lives. We ensure opportunities to write for real purposes and real opportunities when possible in each subject. Writing across the curriculum allows our pupils to communicate their learning for purpose and supports this aim further.


Floating on a bed of talk, we believe that reading and writing cannot be separated. Reading is breathing in; writing is breathing out.





At Avenue we teach ALS phonics with comprehensive lesson plans that teach children to hear, read, write and apply phonemes in their reading and writing. Children who need additional support in Key Stage 2 also follow a ALS style phonics program. In March 2019, Challenge Partners recognised the positive impact that our phonics teaching is having by awarding us an 'Area of Excellence' for the teaching of phonics.  




We aim to provide a broad and varied choice of reading material. This is developed through individual reading with carefully structured books in a reading scheme (home readers) and through guided and shared reading in English and other subject areas.

To promote a love of reading, there have been and continue to be many fantastic reading activities and events at Avenue, including: the celebration of World Book Day, PJ Reading Day, numerous author visits and workshops and local library trips. Our children have also loved the opportunity to browse books during our Roving Book Shop. We are proud of our reading culture at Avenue and are always looking to build and develop upon it.





We value writing and encourage children to produce work of quality and depth across the curriculum. Pupils are given many opportunities to write in a wide variety of ways using the work of professional writers as a model.

In Early Years Foundation Stage, children are encouraged to develop their gross and fine motor skills in order to be able to learn to write.  All children experience writing from an early age, making marks with chalks, water and other mark making materials.  

In KS1 and KS2 various types of writing are introduced to the children, enabling them to select the most appropriate for the task in hand.  Children take part in a range of classroom activities (including drama) which help to improve their writing. 


National Curriculum - English KS1 and KS2

Spelling, Handwriting, Grammar and Punctuation

Spelling and handwriting are important tools in writing and a structured programme to teach these skills is in place. In Key Stage 1 and 2 children are taught key punctuation, grammatical terminology and how to structure grammatically accurate sentences. 


National Curriculum - Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation


Useful links and resources


English Overview

APS Phonics Progression (EYFS - Yr 2)

APS Long Term Plan Yr 3 & 4 Shared Reading (Cycle A)

APS Progression in Writing Skills (EYFS -Yr 6)

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