The important thing
is to never stop
Albert Einstein.
Avenue Science Vision
Science at Avenue
Science is taught across the school according to the primary curriculum issued by the government. Classes use Explorify at least once a week to get pupils thinking Scientifically and promote discussion and debate. Units of work are introduced with links to literacy skills such as understanding vocabulary, asking questions and wondering and making Predictions.
The topics
In KS2 the topics are taught on a 2 year rolling program. This means that one year children in Years 3 and 4 will cover the Year 3 topics and the next year they will cover the Year 4 topics. Years 5 and 6 cover the units in the same way.
Year 1 and 2 cover the topics for their particular year group over a one year period.
How we teach.
The curriculum has an ongoing focus on children observing a range of scientific events over time, to observe and explain changes. Examples of this are planting seeds for which each year group has a planting box outside. They observe the same tree during different seasons to see for themselves the changes that occur. We plant and grow produce throughout the year and use the produce to make products for themed lunches and to sell at the farmers market. We now have a greenhouse as of Summer term 2 and are currently growing strawberries.
Our primary focus this year has been utilising the outdoor learning space to improve teaching and learning. Teacher formative and summative assessments inform end of year judgements in science. Misconceptions and gaps in learning are addressed as lessons progress as well as at the end of a unit as a concluding lesson.
To enhance the science curriculum in KS1 we carry out awe and wonder science afternoons to explore exciting science concepts that are not linked to the curriculum. So far we have looked at paper cup telephones, cornflour, making rainbows and gas balloons. The response has been most enthusiastic and great fun for staff and pupils!
The driver for our science curriculum at Avenue is Working Scientifically using the 5 scientific enquiry types; comparative and fair testing, research, observation over time, pattern seeking, identifying classifying and grouping and problem solving. Across the school using these skills the children learn to work like a scientist. Examples of practical science learning and investigations can be found in each class' BIG Science book accompanied by the children's voices and photographic evidence of the children's learning. On each class' science working wall, you will see the current curriculum coverage, current science work, science vocabulary and scientific questions and wonderings raised during lessons.
Scientific vocabulary is expected to be taught so that pupils can read and spell the words related to their topics at an age appropriate level. The new curriculum ensures that children develop a wide ranging understanding of science in the world around them, “using technical terminology accurately and precisely”.
There are clear cross curricular links shown in the children's books, in particular maths with an emphasis on collecting, presenting and interpreting data.
School visits are a great hands on way to support children's learning in Science. For example EYFS visit the farm to study animals. this ear they hatched chicks. Year 1 and 2 might visit the Attenborough Arboretum or Brocks Hill Country park to look for minibeasts and pond dip and to study habitats and trees. In previous years pupils have visited the National Space Centre and experienced Space inside a visiting planetarium in school.
Parent partnerships. We have had talks from parents who are Scientists working in the space industry and parents showcased their STEM careers for KS2 at our Who do you want to be careers event. In KS1 and EYFS parents regularly share their experiences at home linked to Science home learning showing science is being supported beyond school.
If you are interested in finding out in more detail, you can find the relevant curriculum documents at:
Useful websites for children.
From time to time your child’s home-learning will involve an activity related to their science topic, or you may simply wish to help your child understand something that is happening in the world around them, answer a question they may have asked or extend learning from the classroom.
These websites may be useful.
Curriculum Links
Please see the curriculum page for links to Eco Schools and the D+T growing and cooking.