School Uniform
Our school uniform is:
Grey trousers, dress, knee length skirt or shorts
Yellow polo shirt
Green cardigan or sweater (Logo available)
Green or yellow school dress
A warm, waterproof coat
Black school shoes or boots.
A hat, scarf and gloves in winter.
Please note: the wearing of jewellery is not permitted unless worn for religious reasons : parents should contact the Headteacher if jewellery is worn for religious reasons.
The wearing of make-up if not allowed.
If your child wears a watch: it should be either analogue or digitial. Smart watches are not allowed in school.
Recycled School Uniform Shop
Since June 2022, Avenue Primary School has hosted a second-hand school uniform shop. Good quality uniform, donated, is stored in baskets in various age groups. Parents are regularly reminded and invited to visit our ‘Recycled Uniform Shop’ which is located in our main reception area.
All items on sale are clean and good condition. Prices range from 20p to 50p per item.
Items include: grey trousers, grey skirts, green sweaters and cardigans, yellow t-shirts.
For PE: white PE t-shirts, black shorts, black hoodies.
Disadvantaged Children/ Families in Financial Difficulties
Where families struggle to afford uniform and have not been able to source uniform through our ‘Recycled Uniform Shop’ they should contact the Head Teacher or Family Support Worker or Attendance Officer as school uniform vouchers may be available for some children – particularly those children who are eligible for Free School Meals/Pupil Premium funding.
Obtaining Uniform
Sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts and summer dresses and all other items of uniform may be purchased from Schoolwear Solutions. 64 London Road. Oadby. Leicester. LE2 5DH
Cotton polo shirts, plain sweaters, PE kits and mid grey clothing may be purchased from:
George at Asda:
F & F at Tesco :
Tui at Sainsburys:
Marks and Spencer:
Book bags and PE kit bags are available to purchase in the office.
Please ensure your child’s name is marked clearly in all of their school, uniform including their PE kit. Thank you.