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Avenue Primary School

Where learning springs to life

Avenue After School Club

We currently have spaces in our After School Club that we now run as part of the school.


Places are available straight after school until 4.30pm at a charge of £6.50; or up to 5.30pm at a charge of £13.00 per session.  If your child currently attends one of the other extended schools activities we can offer a place for £6.50 for the final hour.


All places must be pre booked through the office or via the termly 'forms' link emailed to parents.


We also hope to be able to accept child care vouchers.  Please ask the office for the information that you may require to register.


Your child will be provided with a healthy snack. 


The children have the choice to try out a range of different arts & crafts activities, play outside, play indoors, use musical instruments (percussion), take part in mindfulness activities or just 'chill out'!


All of our After School Care team are qualified first aiders. 


For enquiries please contact the school office on 0116 2708326 during school hours until 4.45pm. 



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