A Warm Welcome to Avenue Primary School.
We are a happy, friendly school, offering a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum to all of our wonderful children. Avenue Primary School is a special place where children feel safe and secure. They trust the staff to look after them and sort out any issue they may have.
Avenue Primary School is a multi-cultural community school for children aged 3 to 11 years. Schools on this site in the Clarendon Park area of Leicester have served the local area for over one hundred years and some families can trace attendance at one of these schools through a number of generations. The current primary school was created in 2006 following the amalgamation of Avenue Infant and Junior Schools.
Staff, governors and parents work together to ensure our school provides a safe, friendly and stimulating environment for children where they can enjoy learning together whilst growing as individuals. Everyone is encouraged to reach their potential and successes are celebrated.
At Avenue Primary School we encourage:
A child’s ability to make judgements about how to behave and act and the reasons for such behaviour.
A child’s ability to distinguish ‘right’ from ‘wrong’ and towards acting consistently with their beliefs and with a view to the consequences of their own and others’ actions.
Respect for the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
This website aims to give you a lot of information about the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils.
Thank you for visiting!
Jenny Goddard
Interim Head Teacher.