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Avenue Primary School

Where learning springs to life

Family Support and Early Help

Natalie Bieleit, our Family Support Worker. 

Contact details: Work mobile 07745205627

Natalie's working days are: Wednesdays, Thursdays and every other Friday.

At Avenue Primary School, we understand that every parent/carer and child may need a bit of extra support sometimes. As part of Avenue’s support, we have Natalie Bieleit, our Family Support Worker. You can come into the office and ask to speak to Natalie or give her a call on her work mobile. 


By working in partnership with other agencies, Avenue Primary School aims to ensure all children are given the best possible opportunities and are in a safe environment where they will thrive.


These are some of the things Natalie can help with: 


*Supporting parents/carers to put strategies in place to help manage challenging behaviour from their child/children and look into reasons why they may be displaying this behaviour.

*Referral to the school nurse or other relevant agencies that may be able to support.

*One-to-one work around well-being and emotions.

*Safe and well-being home visits.

* Emotional check-ins with children.

* Supporting families to implement routines and boundaries with in the home.

*Natalie can work with families and provide both one-off or longer-term advice and support. This support can include home visits where Natalie can visit families to support them so their children get the best possible outcomes and opportunities.

* Support with telephone calls to agencies.

*Work with children and their families around anger management.

*Support and signpost families who have separated or there has been a bereavement.

* Supporting and sign-posting parents to help make sure they are receiving any benefits they may be entitled to.

* Supporting Parents/carers to contact FREEVA (Free From Violence and Abuse).

* Finding out about facilities families can access in their local community.

* Supporting families who may be struggling with money by referring to the local food banks in the area.

*Referring parents/carers to parenting programs.


If you feel there are other things you or your child need support with that are not listed above, please do not hesitate to contact Natalie. If Natalie cannot support or advise, she will do her best to refer you to the relevant agencies.


Sometimes, families may require more targeted support. In this case, they may be referred to Early Help.


What is Early Help?


Early Help refers to providing help and support for children, young people and their families as soon as possible. This means getting support when problems arise that may have an impact on children and young people. Research has shown that receiving Early Help can be very effective in situations not escalating and the best possible outcomes for children and their families. When a family's circumstances mean they need targeted support and may well be vulnerable, a multi-agency approach will be used. Leicester City provides this through an Early Help Assessment. A Lead Practitioner will be assigned to work with the family to make sure they receive the support required.


Please use the link below to find out more about Leicester City's Early Help offer and support that can accessed. This will also explain further about an Early Help Assessment and the processes that will be followed.


Early help | LCC Family Hub (

Leicester City Early Help and Social Care now have one number to contact. Their Early Help services and Children’s Social Care Services are there to provide advice and guidance on the appropriate action to take, depending on the nature of your concern. Simply call 0116 454 1004 and select from the options given.


Please use the link below to find out more about the activities and courses on offer to parent/Carers and children.


Activities and courses | LCC Family Hub (


Heads Up, formally known as Centre for Fun and Families, also offers a range of courses for families. Please see the link below for further information.


Home (


Other useful links

Free from Violence & Abuse | Support & Services | Freeva

Freeva Helpline: 0808 802 0028 | 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247

The Zinthiya Trust | Home

Welfare rights- Family Information | Welfare rights support (


Free and impartial help with money, backed by the government | MoneyHelper

YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds

Avenue Primary School's Early Help Offer

Websites and Apps Offering Mental Well Being Information and Support

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