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Avenue Primary School

Where learning springs to life


‘Without music, life would be a mistake.’


Friedrich Nietzsche.

At Avenue Primary School we are very proud of our longstanding tradition of music within the school. We believe it is vital that children have opportunities to experience and listen to a wide range of music from different time periods and cultures. We aim to give children the opportunity to listen to and participate in a wide range of musical styles.



Music is embedded within the EYFS curriculum where children begin to explore musical instruments and evaluate musical sounds. In years 1-6 we use the 'Charanga' music scheme as a basis for our curriculum delivery. In addition to this, music teaching is linked to our Topic learning to further develop the children’s understanding of music from different time periods and cultures.

We also work closely with Leicestershire Music Service (LMS) to offer digital music including 'Garageband' and 'Turntabalism'. 


Our Composer Days offer further focus on the life and works of classical composers.


The joy of group singing is promoted at Avenue through our weekly singing assemblies and singing is also used to enhance learning across the curriculum within all age phases.


Instrumental tuition

Groups of children (Pupil Premium - PP) across Key Stage 2 are given the opportunity of peripatetic ukulele, violin or recorder ( year 2 onwards) lessons.


We are also proud of our Music Enrichment Offer in which children who are not PP are given the opportunity to learn a musical instrument for free. We offer recorder, ukulele, piano, fife, clarinet and trombone lessons for those who express an interest.


Our Music Enrichment Day is very popular amongst the children. These provide children the opportunity to have a taster session in a variety of different instruments eg. euphonium, trumpet, trombone, flute, oboe, clarinet, violin, ukelele, recorder, fife, guitar, bassoon etc


Performance opportunities

We have a successful orchestra and brass band (formed in 2021-22).  Both groups have enjoyed performing to local community groups as well as to parents in our annual Music Showcase, along with the children who have small group and individual instrumental tuition (funded through PP, Music Enrichment and by parents).

Performance opportunities are also provided to all children throughout the year, for example: class assemblies, the Christmas Carol Concert, for those in year 6, the leavers show, and for those in Foundation Stage, the Christmas Nativity performance. We also visit Pendene Care Home to perform Christmas carols annually. 

We host a massed singing event in November for all of the schools in the South Leicester City area which culminates in a performance to parents. 

Finally, we engage with LMS initiatives including performances of massed choirs at De Montfort Hall - most recently in June 2024 'Out of This World' performance of the Space Scratch Symphony.





Music Curriculum Overview

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