Eco Club
Our school is very proud to have registered as an Eco School which recognises our commitment to developing strategies that sustain and enhance resources and the environment. We are the first primary school in Leicester city to be awarded our full Green Flag status, which is a result of the hard work of our pupils, parents and staff in addressing environmental issues. We currently hold our 3rd Green Flag award. The school has adopted an Eco Code, Litter Policy and Green Procurement Policy which is shared by everyone (please see our Eco schools curriculum page).
Eco Committee meets every Wednesday lunchtime with Mrs Pears ( Eco Schools Coordinator). There are approximately 25 children representatives from Years 1 to 6. The children share ideas, complete an annual environmental audit, set environmental targets, run workshops using recycled crafts, run environmental campaigns across the school, hold assemblies to update our pupils, host visits from other schools and run competitions which help our school to work towards achieving our Eco Schools targets. Each class in the school also has their own Eco Monitors, voted for by the pupils. The Eco Monitors ensure each class is following their Energy Pledge and the Eco monitors checklist. More information about Eco Schools can be found on their website
Recent projects include:
- Walk to school initiative and Travel Tracker run by pupil 'Walk to school champions'.
- Food Working Party - attended by pupil reps to promote healthy lifestyles and reduce food waste.
- Love Leicester Litter Less project in conjunction with students from Leicester University.
- Reduce plastics waste project.
- Biodiversity and monitor/increase numbers of bees campaign.
- Healthy air award with merit and anti idling campaign.
- Junior Road Safety Officers.
- An 'Electricity Free Day' and energy saving initiatives.
- Eco Monitors elected in each class to ensure everyone is recycling and saving energy.
- Litter Monitors for each playground.
- A carbon footprint project in conjunction with Leicester University.
- 90Kg Fair Trade Rice Challenge.
- Waste free packed lunch competition in Healthy Lifestyle week.
- Energy Working Party - meets every term with pupil reps.
- Survey of hot dinner waste with target for reduction.
- Years 1 and 2 made recycled paper pots and planted peas and beans.
- Year 6 compost monitors.
- Plot to Pot - growing across the school linked to curriculum topic and cooking sessions. Theme lunches prepared by pupils with parents invited in to dine.
- Forest Schools - Teacher trained and running weekly sessions.
- Year 3 Wildlife Garden - improvement project and habitat study.
- Year 5 - Bulb Planting on Victoria Park.
- Years 5 and 6 completed Bikeability training.
- Building a school greenhouse from recycled plastic bottles.
- EYFS children made minibeast hotels and bird feeders for their bird hide and garden.
- Peer teaching by Year 6 - minibeast top trumps, recycled pompoms and lavender bags.
- Solar Panels - monitoring by the children of electricity generated.
Our school is highly commited to sustaining and enhancing the environment and therefore tries to ensure this is recognised in all areas of the curriculum through our Eco Schools Action Plan targets, assemblies, staff meetings and the Eco Schools notice board in the main hall. We also have an Eco Schools Governor ( currently Mr Hewins) who ensures environmental issues are represented on the Governing Body. Please also see our curriculum page on this website.
If you have any comments or issues you would like to raise please fill in our Environmental Comments Book in reception.