The involvement of other agencies used to support pupils with Special educational needs and their families.
If your child has been identified as having additional needs, the school will act in accordance with the Local Authority guidance.
If the school feels that they need more expert advice in order to best support your child, referrals to outside agencies can be made. During the referral process, the school will work with you to collect evidence to support the need for referral.
Before a referral is made to an outside agency, you will consulted and consent will need to be given to say that you are happy for the referral to be made, and for yours and your child's information to be shared across agencies (i.e. Education, Health, Social Care, etc). The reasons for the referral will be explained and the referral process will ask for you to add your views.
Once you have given permission for the referral to take place, the referral form will be sent to the appropriate agency and they will contact you at home with details of their involvement. They might send you dates and appointments that you will need to attend with your child. School will also be sent a copy of these dates so that we can track the support that your child is getting.
Additional services and expertise available might include:
Local Authority Education Services:
Educational Psychology Service (EP Service)
Early Years Support Team (EYST)
Learning, Communication and interaction (LCI) Team
Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Team
Hearing Impairment (HI) Support Team
Vision Impairment (VI) Support Team
School Family Support Worker (FSW)
NHS Health Services:
Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT)
Occupational Therapy (OT)
Community Paediatricians
Healthy Together School Nursing Team
Social Care Services:
- Early Help
- Social Services