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Avenue Primary School home page

Avenue Primary School

Where learning springs to life

Years 1 and 2

Welcome to years 1 and 2, 


Here is some information about years 1 and 2 for 2024-2025.


Please contact your child's class teacher using the class emails below:


Miss Disley                          -

Miss Thomson                    -

Mrs Hall and Mrs Locke    -

Miss Marvin- Howard        -

Miss Giles                            -

Mrs Leonard             


Information throughout the year will be sent out to parents and carers in the form of text messages and emails using Teachers 2 Parents.



The children need to come dressed in their PE kits on their PE days.  They will participate in an outdoors and indoors session each week. 


Here is the timetable for PE in years 1 and 2. PE lessons begin on Thursday 29th August 2024.




Wednesday-   Ash, Fir, Oak,  Pine

Thursday -   Fir, Elm

Friday - Ash, Elm, Pine and Oak


If your child has an after school sports club on a different day to their PE kit day(s), then they will need to bring their PE kit in a bag and get changed after school.


The image below shows the requirements needed for Avenue's PE kit.

Curriculum Information 

Year 1 and 2 Welcome to the new school year guide for parents and carers for 2024 to 2025 

Please click on the PDF which contains lots of information about this school year including the curriculum for this term, dates for the year and school dinners.

Year 1 and 2 Welcome to the new school year guide for parents and carers for 2023 to 2024

Please click on the PDF to view a range of other important information about this school year.

Home Learning 


The children in KS1 are expected to read daily and can add the reads that they do to their reading race tracks.  As well as common words to read and spell, the children will have a weekly home learning task. This will be a different subject each week. We use the platform Seesaw to send out home learning each Friday and the expectation is that it is completed by the following Wednesday.   Home learning will begin week beginning 9th September 2024.

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