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Avenue Primary School home page

Avenue Primary School

Where learning springs to life

Years 5 & 6

Information about Years 5 and 6

Contacting Us


Please contact your child's class teacher using the class emails below: 

Sycamore (Miss Wilson)
Hawthorn (Mrs Boat)
Monkey Puzzle (Miss Rawlings/ Mrs Blood)
Horse Chestnut (Ms Stanford)
Silver Birch (Miss Calle and Mrs Hill)


Information will be sent to parents in the form of text messages and emails using Teachers2Parents. 


To find out about our learning so far this academic year or the previous academic year, please follow the link to our phase newsletters:


Check back soon to find a copy of our yearly overview



The children need to come to school in their PE kits on the following days:


Week DayClass(es)



WednesdaySilver Birch

Horse Chestnut

Monkey Puzzle



PE lessons start on Thursday 29th August.


If your child has an after school sports club on a different day than their PE day, they should bring their kit to change into. 


Home Learning

Home learning is set using Seesaw and emailed out to parents. If you require a paper copy, please speak to your child's class teacher. 


All classes have maths and spellings weekly, with optional topic home learning every term. Learning can be uploaded directly on to Seesaw for the class teachers to respond to. 

Trips, Visits, Visitors to School and Theme Days

This information will be sent out as a paper copy for reference; to give permission, you will receive a link to complete an online form. 
For any additions or changes, we will let you know as far in advance as possible. 

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